Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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Analytical digest
10 June 2020

Anlytics on the topic

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29 July 2020
Agents of Transformation Report 2020

The publication by AppDynamics studies the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis on technologies, IT departments, and digital transformation of companies.

Expert opinion
15 June 2020
“You should worry when technology advances too fast”

Nassim Taleb, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, Polytechnic Faculty, NYU is best known as the author of the famous black swan theory, a metaphor that describes rare and unlikely events that have significant consequences. By the way, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is a classic black swan event. Two years ago, the American essayist and professor took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, where he spoke at the Sberbank plenary session ‘Transitional World: What Will Tomorrow Bring?’

13 June 2022
World Investment Report 2021

The World Investment Report 2021 by UNCTAD deals with global and regional investment trends and national and international policy developments. The report also reviews investment in sustainable development and shows the influence of investment policies on public health and economic recovery from the pandemic.