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Finance leaders respond to the latest developments of COVID-19

27 April 2020
Обзор исследования PwC «Взгляд мировых финансовых лидеров на кризис COVID-19, а также ответные меры»
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In recent days, some countries began to see a slowdown in new cases of the novel coronavirus, whereas others neared or reached their peak, and still others were in earlier stages of outbreak. Reflecting this disparity, movement is still highly restricted in many parts of the world, with lockdowns being implemented and extended. But countries such as Austria, Denmark and the Czech Republic announced plans to gradually lift restrictions in the coming weeks; China relaxed its lockdown of Wuhan on 8 April.

At the same time, numerous governments have announced or adjusted relief packages, for example, the US CARES Act, the EU Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, Germany’s €1.1tn (US$1.1tn) coronavirus crisis package, the UAE Central Bank’s doubling of its stimulus package and extension of debt relief, and KSA’s decision to cover 60% of Saudi salaries to avoid contract termination.

Finance leaders are taking stock of these and other developments. Some are making moves that suggest a cautious optimism about their company’s trajectory. Others are still clearly in the early stages of crisis response, not yet thinking about strategies for recovery. Either way, most CFOs continue to watch the situation unfold with concern about their ability to best serve their employees, customers and other key stakeholders.

You can find the full text of the material:

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