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COVID-2019: Recommendations for doing business in a pandemic

Analytical digest
7 May 2020
Серия дайджестов COVID-2019: рекомендации для ведения бизнеса в условиях пандемии
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Renting real estate: the Russian Supreme Court gave its clarifications due to the pandemic

The possibility of deferring rental payments and their reduction was one of the government measures to protect citizens and the most affected by the pandemic sectors of the economy.

In previous digests, Law Group Paradigma has already covered the main legislative provisions on this topic. On April 30, 2020, the Supreme Court made several important clarifications regarding rental vacations.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Taxation: new сhanges due to the ongoing pandemic

Previously, Law Group Paradigma has already covered the most important legislative changes in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in the field of taxation. However, the next changes in this area were not long in coming.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Coronavirus pandemic: moratorium on bankruptcy and other legislation changes

In connection with the pandemic, the Russian bankruptcy legislation has been amended, namely, by introducing a moratorium on bankruptcy proceedings for certain categories of debtors.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

How the Moscow city government is supporting business in a pandemic

Following the restrictions imposed as reactions to the pandemic, the Moscow Government has also prepared a number of measures of economic support for small and medium-sized businesses, with the intention to compensate partially the negative effect of a self-isolation period.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Corporate legislative changes in response to the covid-19 pandemic

In connection with the pandemic, corporate legislation was amended to allow the business to postpone certain actions and «mitigate» economic consequences of the crisis (Federal Law as of 07.04.2020 No. 115- FZ).

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Credit vacation in a pandemic

As one of the measures to protect citizens and business most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the President of the Russian Federation proposed introducing credit vacations — a delay in paying off loans for consumer, mortgage and other loans for borrowers.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

What is the impact of Coronavirus on the life of legal practitioners in the UK?

On 27 March 2020 the British Ministry of Justice and Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service announced that work of courts will be consolidated into fewer buildings for public safety reasons.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Renting real estate: key legislative changes in response to the covid- 19 pandemic

The Federal Law as of 01.04.2020 N 98-FZ «On amendments in certain legislative acts of Russian Federation on the issue of emergency prevention and response» provides for the possibility of receiving a deferral of rent payment and its reduction.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

6 months without enforcement proceedings: consequences of the moratorium on bankruptcy

On April 6, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a moratorium on bankruptcy entered into force, one of the consequences of which was the suspension of enforcement proceedings on property claims that arose before the moratorium was introduced.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Taxes and pandemic: key changes in the legislation

Support for small and medium-sized businesses: for small and medium-sized businesses collection of taxes, fees and insurance premiums is suspended until May 1; decision-making on suspension of operations on their accounts is postponed ensuring debt collection.

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

Moratorium on bankruptcy: how coronavirus affected bankruptcy proceedings

Key changes in bankruptcy were introduced by the Federal Law of April 1, 2020 No. 98-ФЗ «On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation for disaster management and emergency response».

Full text of the thematic digest can be accessed by using this link.

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