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Plan to overcome the economic consequences of a new coronavirus infection

22 April 2020
План преодоления экономических последствий новой коронавирусной инфекции
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30 August 2021
World Trade Statistical Review 2021

The study prepared by WTO experts examines recent trends in world trade. The review analyzed statistics on the coronavirus impact on trade, identified key trends and prospects for the global market.

Analytical digest
3 June 2020
New Dates for the WADA vs. RUSADA Case Trial, the Return of Football with Spectators and Assistance to Sports Federations

The Roscongress Foundation presents the ‘World Sport Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic’ news digest of 1–3 June.

26 June 2020
Financial Stability Review. 2019 Q4 – 2020 Q1

The publication by the Bank of Russia studies main risks of the global economy and global financial markets and channels of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Russian economy and the financial sector.