Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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How can I successfully appeal a tax audit decision to a higher tax authority?

Expert opinion
1 April 2020
Как успешно обжаловать решение по налоговой проверке в вышестоящем налоговом органе?
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27 May 2021
The Future of Jobs Report 2020

A research by experts of the World Economic Forum provides an analysis of changes in the labor market. The report examines changes in work processes in the context of the pandemic and its implications for the future, as well as trends related to technology adoption, job dynamics, and specialized skills over the next five years.

30 August 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Russian E-Commerce Market

A study prepared by KPMG experts analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Russian e-commerce market. The authors of the review conducted surveys and interviews with industry representatives and experts and tried to identify key trends, drivers and prospects for this activity.

17 June 2020
Supporting businesses in financial distress to avoid insolvency during the COVID-19 crisis

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has prepared analytical research on business support mechanisms to avoid insolvency during the COVID-19 crisis. The slowdown of economic activity caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and related emergency measures implemented to tackle the health crisis have led to severe difficulties for companies to meet their financial obligations. Many of the fixed costs, such as rents and interest payments, remain due while the cash flow destined to meet these obligations has vanished. As a result, many otherwise sound companies are facing acute liquidity constraints that eventually might become solvency problems.

Analytical digest
26 June 2020
COVID-19. Ensuring technological sustainability

PwC experts provide guidance and solutions for IT leaders, CTOs, COOs, or IT sustainability/disaster recovery managers to help identify effective responses to COVID-19 business incidents.