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New life without Lamborghini: how Russia will remain without Italian imports

Expert opinion
10 April 2020
Новая жизнь без Lamborghini: как Россия останется без итальянского импорта
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28 April 2020
Leading Out of Adversity

A year before the COVID-19 outbreak, we argued in Winning the ’20s that the basis of competitive advantage was shifting. The combination of technology-fueled change, the rise of new learning technologies, and declining long-term growth rates, which require accelerated innovation, called for companies to compete on their rate of learning.

4 September 2022
National Infrastructure Projects Pipeline 2022

In this publication InfraOne Research examines infrastructure projects from the National Infrastructure Projects Pipeline in the context of the current geopolitical and economic instability, the restrictions and the sanctions, and the repercussions of the pandemic.

9 October 2020
How an EU Carbon Border Tax Could Jolt World Trade

The Boston Consulting Group has prepared a report on the impact on global trade of initiatives to fight climate change and protect the environment, in particular, the EU Carbon Border Tax.

24 May 2021
2021 Global Marketing Trends. Find your focus

Deloitte’s report provides the results of an analysis of human and brand behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining the prosperity of individual companies during these challenging times. The authors of the report look at current methods of maintaining consumer brand loyalty in a rapidly changing world, highlighting seven key trends.