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Online press conference of the Bank of Russia Chairman E. Nabiullina on the topic "Current situation and stabilization measures»

Expert opinion
3 April 2020
Онлайн пресс-конференция Председателя Банка России Э.Набиуллиной по теме «Текущая ситуация и стабилизационные меры»
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21 April 2020
People Priorities in Response to COVID-19

BCG’s Center for Macroeconomics has published a presentation which can be used by entrepreneurs as a guide to choosing best policy responses to COVID-19 challenges.

Expert opinion
5 May 2020
“We must now test completely new hypotheses in the face of uncertainty”

Anton Pronin, Acceleration Director of Skolkovo’s IT cluster, offers step-by-step instructions to startups for surviving a pandemic. The cluster is a partner of the Roscongress Foundation’s Innovation Space, and participates in every event hosted by the platform, including the Science Fest Innovation and Science Festival which is to take place online 24–26 July 2020.

26 March 2019
Banking Sector Outlook for 2019: On an Upward Trajectory

Expert RA Rating Agency has produced a forecast for the development of the Russian banking sector in 2019. In the publication, the authors analyze rates of growth in assets, loan portfolio, profits, and profitability of the market players and assess external risks.