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The future world after the victory over the coronavirus. Rector Of Ranepa Vladimir Mau

Expert opinion
1 April 2020
Мир будущего после победы над коронавирусом. Ректор РАНХиГС Владимир Мау
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26 August 2020
Preparing for a world of complete obscurity

The authors of the article «Preparing for a world of complete obscurity» published in the IMF journal analysed the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic and also tried to identify the basic principles of the international order after COVID-19.

3 April 2020
Detect, Develop, and Deliver: A Holistic Approach to Managing Outbreaks

The coronavirus outbreak is only the latest in a long series of wakeup calls over the past few decades for the global health community. Once again, a high consequence pathogen, likely incubated in nature, infected humans, and overwhelmed health care systems before the medical community could figure out how to contain it. As of the time of this writing, more than 78,000 COVID-19 confirmed cases and nearly 2,500 deaths have been reported.

9 July 2020
The social enterprise at work: Paradox as a path forward

Deloitte presents its 2020 Global Human Capital Trends report—the latest in its series of annual reports. This year, Deloitte analysts study main challenges faced by social enterprises in 2020.

Analytical digest
30 April 2020
Head of IOC: sport can help the world recover after the crisis

The Roscongress Foundation presents the ‘World Sport Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic’ news digest for 27–30 April.