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Partnership and Experience Exchange in Interfirm Cooperation on the Evidence of the ICT Sector: Opportunities for the Competitiveness Development of the National Economy

31 October 2019
Партнерство и обмен опытом при межфирменной кооперации: возможности для повышения конкурентоспособности национальной экономики (на примере сектора ИКТ)
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16 December 2019
BCG Review, November 2019

The November issue of BCG Review, a Russian-language publication of Boston Consulting Group Moscow, is focused on the formation of digital economy.

Expert opinion
3 June 2019
Alexander Machkevitch: Setting new standards for the industry

Dr Alexander Machkevitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), talks about smart mines, digital and entrepreneurial ecosystems and the elimination of child labour from the metals & mining industry.

Expert opinion
22 May 2018
Missile attacks are very bad for business

CEO and Executive Managing Director, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), exclusively for SPIEF.