Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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Russia’s Support for Private Investment in the Arctic: A New Approach. Key Quotes

Expert opinion
9 April 2019
Как Россия будет поддерживать частные инвестиции в Арктике: новый подход. Ключевые цитаты
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Expert opinion
26 November 2021
Training the Next Generation of Arctic Scientists

Summary session «Training a New Generation of Arctic Researchers» within the framework of the Arctic Talent Acquisition Conference, which took place on November 15-16, 2021 in Arkhangelsk.

25 December 2019
Polar Index. Version 2.0. Regions // Sustainable Development Rating of the Russian Arctic Regions

This report presents the Polar Index ratings. Polar Index is a joint project of the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PORA) expert center and the Environmental Economics Chair, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The project is aimed at promoting the sustainable development principles in the Russian Arctic.

Expert opinion
22 May 2018
“Investments for accelerated growth”
Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Russian Direct Investments Fund, tells why it is worth investing in Russia now.