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Guzel Ulumbekova ‘80+ How to get there?’

Expert opinion
26 March 2019

The national Healthcare programme is one of the two primary social strategies (along with the Demography programme), which are designed to ensure the achievement of the priority national goal of increasing the life expectancy of Russian citizens to 78 years. The Presidential Executive Order of 7 May 2018 ‘On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024’ also defines the critical areas of activity in implementing these strategies. Rector of the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ), Guzel Ulumbekova, MD announced the basic proposals for the implementation of federal programmes.

TV BRICS Roscongress. Expert opinion
Prepared with the support of TV BRICS

Anlytics on the topic

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18 September 2019
A Study of the Market for Mixed-Use Complexes in Moscow

The study examines the market segment of mixed-use complexes which are growing in popularity on the real estate market, and gives a ranking of existing high-quality complexes.

29 May 2019
New message to migration authorities, society and migrants

The Russian Council on International Affairs presented a detailed analysis of the Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for 2019–2025.

18 January 2022
Russian-Finnish Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development in the Arctic Region 2021-2022

The report was prepared as a result of the event «Russian-Finnish Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development in the Arctic Region» as part of the ThinkArctic Project, organized by the Roscongress Foundation, the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation.

26 March 2018
Proposals for Russia’s Migration Strategy through 2035

The report titled Proposals for Russia’s Migration Strategy through 2035 has been prepared by the order from the Centre for Strategic Research. The period that followed the disintegration of the Soviet Union proved to be challenging
for Russia from the perspective of politics, socioeconomics, demographics and migration. The unfavourable demographic trends and the declining and ageing of the population
were partially offset by an influx of temporary and permanent migrants from
other post-Soviet states. But numerous errors in the migration policy led to a decrease in Russia’s migration attractiveness, turning migration into a source of social tension and an instrument of political infighting.