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International Economic Cooperation in New Realities

11 April 2018
Международное экономическое сотрудничество в новых реалиях
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The issue opens with the article of Alexander Shokhin, the President of the RSPP, informing about global and regional trends in the economic development. The article notes that one of the most important factors of long-term development of the world economy is the introduction of technological innovations, in particular, digitalisation of the world economy.

According to Alexander Shokhin, due to uncertainties conditioned by current and prospective factors it is necessary to use the current growth to make structural improvements for the economy to adapt to changing realities of the global market and narrow the gap with developed and large developing countries as regards critical economic and competitiveness parameters. In his article Viktor Vekselberg, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova Group, President of Skolkovo Foundation and Chairman of the RSPP International Cooperation Committee, shares his opinion on digital economy with the audience. Viktor Vekselberg says that the digital economy is a complex socio-economic and organisational and technical system. Its efficiency depends directly on the balance of different components (technical,infrastructural, organisational, program, regulatory, legal and others) and seamless interaction between the members of a new digital civilization.

Viktor Vekselberg highlights that Russia has all the prerequisites to attain the full digital potential and accelerate the process of digitalisation. However, a new digital economy requires building mutual understanding not only between the industry, business, and education but also legislative authorities. It is crucial and essential to regulate access to data including personal data and to adopt regulation mechanisms that is to set requirements for machines, equipment, and processes.

Alexey Mordashov, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PAO Severstal and Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and WTO, shares his opinion on effective search for new solutions in new conditions with the special issue audience. According to Alexey Mordashov, it is apparently impossible to find new solutions, narrow the gap, respond to strategic challenges in the conditions where we recede from the globalising world.

Integration should be promoted, and barriers to two-way communications should be gradually lowered: tedious customs formalities, infrastructural constraints. The nest section of the issue is devoted to regional trends in the Asian and Pacific Region. The article titled Political and Economic Risks in the Asian and Pacific Region in 2018: Difficulties and Opportunities for Russian Business analyses the overall economic situation in the APR at the beginning of 2018 and gives a forecast of potential risks in different areas including economy, finance, environment, and security.

The article Trends in Trade and Investments between Russia and China, Korea, Japan, and ASEAN presents up-to-date statistical data including those on exports and direct investments.

The issue contains three reviews of business conditions in Vietnam, India, and Republic of Korea. The issue ends with the section devoted to the activity results of multilateral institutions in the APR for 2017 including Russia’s activities in the APEC Tourism Working Group and Vietnam Representative in the APEC and its importance for business.

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