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My Opinion Survey Results: Going Back to Normal

17 August 2020
Результаты опроса «Мое мнение»: курс на восстановление

The Roscongress Foundation has completed the survey on lifting restrictions and resuming operations. The survey was part of My Opinion, a project of the Roscongress Foundation that aims to study public opinion on the most pressing matters.

Almost equal shares of respondents — 39% — either have accepted government support or planned to do so; 29% have not required and therefore have not asked for support, and 32% have been unable to use it. At the same time, 60% of those who have been able to get government aid, note that support measures did not go far enough.

Almost 60% of participants have pointed out that as of today they have been able to fully resume their operationsor did not reduce volumes during the restrictions. Meanwhile, 14% share they have been able to increase volumes: it applies to those involved in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and IT, and finance. 27% of respondentsare just resuming operations, while 16% believe they are unlikely to reach previous volumes.

Three quarters of respondents have noted that they are ready to attend large offline gatherings, including business events (45% believe that observing rules and using personal protection equipment is important), while less than 6% would prefer an online event. Looking at those numbers, event industry is feeling optimistic about gradual lifting of restrictions for public events in the Russian Federation.

Over 20% never ceased to take business trips by air or rail, and 56% have expressed their willingness to go back to business travel. At the same time, almost 20% of survey participants would prefer to stick to videoconferencing in the future.

Estimating the time from during which the economy could recuperate, 68% believe the road to recovery would take more than one year, 20% believe a year would be sufficient, while 10% are confident 6 months are enough.

This survey has proved that the representatives of the business community have either managed to survive the restrictions period without reducing their volumes or are just starting to resume their operations. Unfortunately, some respondents are confident they are unlikely to reach their previous volumes, however they amount to 1/6 of the total number of participants, which is a fairly optimistic outcome under present conditions.

The survey found equal shares of those who have been able to use government support and those have not. Data shows that the status of Russia’s economy is still controversial, as businesses have gone through different experiences depending on their industries and volumes.

Market players have demonstrated their willingness to go back to their ordinary lifestyles and work routines (which include business travel, and attending public or business events). At the same time, they are prepared for mandatory use of personal protection equipment and observing safety rules. This is another important outtake of this survey.

Most people expect the country’s economy to take over a year to recover.

‘My Opinion’ will offer regular surveys that would be available to Roscongress events participants in their Roscongress Personal Accounts. The results will be published in the ‘News’ section of the Roscongress official website

The next survey addresses Tourism in 2020 and will be available in your Roscongress personal account this week.