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A Recipe for Global Competitiveness for Russian Industry

7 June 2019
Российская промышленность: рецепт глобальной кон-курентоспособности


Competition is the driver of industry development

“The alpha and omega of the market economy, the key driver of industrial and economic development, is fair competition. In the world of global competition, we understand that we can only take a certain share of the market by creating conditions for fair competition, particularly in the global markets,” Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Modern production should be efficient

“Energy efficiency and energy-saving technologies are what gives prospects and opportunities for many branches of not only the industry, but also the economy,” Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

“The new trends are digitalization, energy efficiency, diagnostics, and support for exports,” Johan Vanderplaetse, Chairman, Association of European Businesses; President, Russia and CIS, Schneider Electric.

Russian products and technologies are competitive

“In the course of our work with foreign clients, we see a demand for Russian technologies and products,” Maksim Perelman, General Director, Novomet.


Protectionism and sanctions in the global economy are increasing

“Recently, there has been a toxic ‘cocktail’ of four ingredients. When each country implements the policy of localization, a problem with production efficiency arises. The second aspect is trade wars. The third ingredient is cybersecurity. [The fourth one is] geopolitics: sanctions, counter-sanctions, and so on,” Johan Vanderplaetse, Chairman, Association of European Businesses; President, Russia and CIS, Schneider Electric.

Lack of investment in Russian manufacturing

“For many enterprises, access to investment resources is not a matter of growth, but a matter of survival,” Dmitri Samorukov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, RUMO; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Gazmashproekt.

Lagging behind foreign competitors in terms of customer support and service

“What holds back foreign customers is the concern that after they purchase a product or a technology, the Russian company would not be able to provide services over the long term. Historically, it has been the weak spot of Russian companies and products,” Maksim Perelman, General Director, Novomet.

“In the international market, it is not enough to just have the product; you must know how to work with clients,” Sergey Khramagin, Chief Executive Officer, State Transport Leasing Company.

High level of bureaucracy

“What is holding back the growth of exports from the Russian Federation is, unfortunately, inefficiency and bureaucracy in processes when working with government agencies,” Maksim Perelman, General Director, Novomet. 


Increasing competition

“To enter the international markets, you must first win the domestic market with competitive products. When this happens, international markets open up, and not without help from our side,” Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Export support

“It is very important that enterprises are actively involved in those programmes, despite the bureaucratic restrictions and obstacles: labour productivity, small and medium-sized businesses, supporting exports. That indeed speeds up their development significantly, and increases competitiveness,” Andrey Slepnev, Chief Executive Officer, Russian Export Center.

“Russian plants are less competitive globally than the Asian ones, so we welcome the programme for export support,” Johan Vanderplaetse, Chairman, Association of European Businesses; President, Russia and CIS, Schneider Electric.

Developing domestic technology

“For further development, we must maintain high-tech products and bring them to a completely different level,” Alexey Dumin, Governor of Tula Region.

“There are two opportunities: the first one is exports, and the other one is developing domestic innovations,” Irina Panarina, General Manager, AstraZeneca Russia and Eurasia.

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