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When Leagues in England and Spain could re-start, FISU Healthy Campus project and other sports news

Analytical digest
13 May 2020
Когда возобновятся чемпионаты Англии и Испании, новый проект для студентов-спортсменов и другие новости спорта
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The Roscongress Foundation has compiled a news digest entitled ‘Global sport in the COVID-19 pandemic’, which covers 11–13 May. This issue presents the following topics:

— The head coach of Russia’s national women’s wrestling team has died from COVID-19;

— Oleg Matytsin has launched the FISU Healthy Campus project;

— Match TV will continue to show the European football league until 2024, having renewed its contract with UEFA;

— Donald Trump on UFC 249: «We need sports. Let’s play»;

— 1.5 million people in Moscow tuned in to watch UFC 249 on REN TV;

— Leagues in England and Spain could re-start on 12 June;

— The protocol to resume the Russian Premier League has been sent to government for approval. If approved, a maximum of 200 people will be able to attend matches;

— Maxim Oreshkin has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of PFC CSKA;

— FIDE has welcomed the results of the Nations Cup, which took place in an online format;

— Vlad Marinescu has been appointed President of the International Esports Federation;

— India is set to bid to host the 2032 Olympics after the pandemic;

— The FIFA Congress will go ahead on 18 September in video conference format;

— The President of the European Volleyball Confederation will be chosen in Moscow;

— More than 4,000 online courses will be made available to ATP players across the world;

— Visitor numbers to betting sites in April fell by more than 40%.

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