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COVID-19 Consumer Sentiment Snapshot #1: Setting the Baseline

28 April 2020
Как меняется потребительский рынок в связи с пандемией коронавируса COVID-19 Выпуск 1: точка отсчета
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Published weekly, the COVID-19 Consumer Sentiment Snapshot highlights information drawn from a BCG consumer survey that we execute approximately every two weeks with our coding and sampling partner, Dynata, in an effort to understand consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behavior and spending changes related to COVID-19 as they evolve. This snapshot presents insights from research completed in the US market from March 6 to March 9, prior to a number of major COVID-19-related events, including the US government’s restriction of air travel from Europe, the UK, and Ireland to the US and the halting of most major professional sports league play (including NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS, and the US national soccer teams).

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