Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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Expert opinion
27 December 2022
Проблемы и перспективы развития малых и средних предприятий в контексте достижения технологического суверенитета
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22 May 2018
On-the-ground initiatives. How regional leaders plan to develop business

There are many potential investors among participants at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The heads of four completely different Russian regions discuss their expectations for the event and what they have to offer business.

Analytical digest
3 August 2020
COVID-19: Overview as of June 1, 2020

The study deals with the new realities of economic and social relations resulting from the spread of COVID-19 and its consequences. It contains possible scenarios of disease spread and its consequences, as well as the main features of the current situation, which should be taken into account when developing and implementing a business recovery strategy.

13 February 2018
News Release, January 2018 Clean Technologies and Sustainable Growth Issue 4. Assessing Business Contributions to the Country Development

EY presents another news release, which is devoted to assessing the contribution of business to the development of regions of presence. It describes modern approaches to assessing the socio-economic impact of business, as well as the possibilities of using the results of such an assessment for effective communication with all stakeholders.

17 December 2019
Winning the ’20s

Boston Consulting Group describes five imperatives for success in the decade ahead.